Getting Started
Learners and caregivers can make direct contact with Red Ladder Optimized Learning or another psychologist for evaluation, treatment, or both.
Child and family services offices often contract services, and clients may be referred through Jordan’s Principle.
Clients may be referred by a paediatrician or family physician.
Classroom Teachers, Resource Teachers, other school staff, or a daycare provider might suggest psychological consultation.
University and College Disabilities Services offices often refer post-secondary students for consultation, evaluation, or updated evaluation.
In publicly-funded Manitoba schools, psychoeducational assessment may be available free of charge through a School Psychologist. Check out our FAQs page for more information about psychological services through schools, university training centres, and hospitals, see our FAQs page.
Red Ladder Optimized Learning and other private clinics are another option.
The best way to get in touch with us to discuss your assessment or therapy needs is to email us at
You may also leave a confidential voicemail (204-885-3276) and our Intake Coordinator will return your call as soon as possible.